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Author Guidelines
May we remind you that you can participate in the conference and publish your materials only using the system Open Conference Systems.
To do this you must register and download on-line materials on the University site: in the section: Research > Scientific Conferences >Open Conference Systems
In preparing the THESES please observe the following requirements:
Text of the theses should be printed on one side of a standard sheet of A4 at 1,5 space (28-30 lines per page), with the 14 size of print (in total of 1800-1900 signs with spaces per page), up to 4 pages in 2 copies.
- The signatures of all the authors are required under the text of the theses. In addition, it is necessary to specify the scientific degree and academic rank of each author, as well as his or her full name, address, phone number (preferably mobile ), and e-mail (if available).
- The materials must be submitted in electronic form in Word processor (*. doc or *. rtf).
- The sequence of writing theses:
- The title of the article (in capital letters);
- Initials and last names of the authors;
- The full name of the institution;
- Introduction;
- The main part;
- Conclusions;
- References.
Information about the author: skipping several intervals write the name, last name, position, scientific degree or academic rank of the speaker, his or her address, phone number, E-mail.
In preparing the ARTICLES please observe the following requirements:
1. The article must have the official letter of the head of institution with the recommendation for printing and the signature of the head of institution; expert opinion on the possibility of open publication, which are certified. The signatures of all the authors are required under the text of the article. In addition, it is necessary to specify the scientific degree and academic status of each author, as well as his or her full name, address, phone number (preferably mobile), and e-mail (if available).
2. Text should be printed on one side of a standard sheet of A4 at 1,5 space (28-30 lines per page), with the 14 size of print (in total of 1800-1900 signs with spaces per page), up to 4 - 8 pages in 2 copies.
3. The materials must be submitted in electronic form in Word processor. Figures must be served in JPG or TIF format.
4. The sequence of writing the article:
- UDC;
- The title of the article (in capital letters);
- Initials and last names of the authors;
- The full name of the institution;
- The title of the article in English (in capital letters), initials and last names of the authors and the full name of the institution in English;
- Summary in Ukrainian (up to 20 lines), summary in English (up to 20 lines);
- Introduction;
- The main part;
- Conclusions;
- References (the words "introduction", "main part", "conclusions" highlight in bold type);
Information about the author: skipping several intervals write the name, last name, position, scientific degree or academic rank of the speaker, his or her address, phone number, E-mail.
The cost of publication of the articles and theses is 5 USD per 1800 signs (1 page).
BЕNEFICIARY: Shevchuk Oksana
ІВАН: UA793052990004149497858327390
ACCOUNT: 4149497858327390
Materials must be sent together with the information about the author and payment receipt.
Form of publication: scientific materials (articles and theses) will be published in the collection of conference works.
Please confirm your participation in the conference 1 month before and tell about the date and time of your arrival 2 weeks before.