
The conference program includes the following issues:

Standards of higher medical (pharmaceutical) education, assurance of its quality and control.

  1. Organizational and staff assistance, educational-methodical and logistical support of the educational process at the undergraduate stage at higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational establishments in accordance with the new list of branches of knowledge and specialities.
  2. Results of introduction of internal quality control of education at higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational establishments.
  3. Educational-methodical and organizational support of training of specialists according to the educational-scientific and scientific levels.
  4. Modern approaches to the post-graduate training of specialists according to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”.
  5. Establishment and activity of university clinics as clinical centers of higher medical educational establishments.

Official languages of the conference – Ukrainian, English.

Forms of participation:

- oral report

- poster presentation

- non-collegiate


- At the plenary meeting – up to15 min.

- At the sectional meeting - up to 5 min.

Organizing Committee provides with: multimedia projector, etc.

Form of publication: scientific materials (articles and theses) will be published in the collection of conference works.