Остання редакція: 2017-04-11
An urgent need for training of medical specialists who might provide psychological counseling, conduct medical and social rehabilitation for child abuse is actual [1-2].
The analysis of the implementation of the topic "Child abuse" in pediatric programs was done. Initially this topic was tested in the undergraduate pediatric learning for specialties "Medical psychology" and "Pediatrics." In 2016 electronic virtual case "Child Abuse" in OpenLabyrinth platform was implemented in hybrid work program in Pediatrics for 6th year students of specialty "General Medicine", based on traditional and problem-based learning, as a part of the grant project “Training against medical error” (TAME), ERASMUS+. In 2017 this topic was implemented in the learning cycle "Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses" at the postgraduate level. Different educational forms (lecture, seminar, workshop, session) were used. The purposes of the study were: to gain knowledge about the medical and social assistance, to master the skills of identification, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of disorders in abused children.
So, effective teaching materials were developed and tested by traditional and problem-based learning methods for students and doctors of various specialties within the project TAME (ESASMUS +) in order to identify medical problems and implement the rehabilitation for abused children.
1. Жестокое обращение с детьми. Информационный бюллетень ВОЗ N°150. Декабрь 2014 г.
2. Пінейру П.С. Доповідь про насильство щодо дітей у світі. ООН, 2006. – 357 с.