Остання редакція: 2017-04-13
Pathological physiology opens medical students questions about general theory of diseases, the causes and mechanisms of their development etc. [1]. In KNMU carried out training of foreign students from different countries in the groups with studying in English. Every year the number of students from English speaking countries increases, but the level of the initial theoretical training of foreign students studying in English is reduced [2, 3], which is relevant and significant problem in our opinion.
In our department in the process of training students teachers use computer lecture and training materials in authentic English, videos with examples of clinical pathological processes, conditions and diseases. The staff of the department, working with English-speaking students, is actively involved in the preparations for each class additional new tests, case studies, training manuals. At the same time for teaching students pathological physiology is used the traditional method - experimental reproduction of disease modeling.
Conclusions. Thus, despite a lot of difficulties arising on the way to the professionalism of medical students, teachers try to combine contemporary innovations and traditions in teaching foreign students general medical sciences.
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