Остання редакція: 2018-04-07
Kateryna Andrushkevych
Central research laboratory
Scientific supervisor: Head of CRL, Senior Research Fellow N. Lisnychuk
I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
Ternopil, Ukraine
The problem of combined pathologies is one of the most actual in the clinic of internal diseases, because it leads to the forced and long-term intake of a wide range of drugs and increasing threat of their side effects, primarily on the digestive system, and the nature and the degree of severity of disorders taking place in the organs of digestive system are significantly affecting the musculoskeletal system. For social and economic significance, WHO has recognized osteoarthrosis as one of the main problems in realization of 2010-2020 years Bone and Joint Decade, and the National Academy of Sciences of the United States included osteoarthrosis in the list of "Іnevitable companions of aging", along with such pathologies as cancer, diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease. Meanwhile, literature data about the nature of pathological changes in the structural components of large joints under conditions of concomitant lesions of the liver and the pancreas is short and often contradictory.
In view of the foregoing, the aim of this study is to investigate the histological changes of articular and periarticular tissues of the hip joint of experimental animals in a condition of moderate pancreatic and liver damage.
Materials and methods. For the studying of changes in the articular and periarticular tissues of the hip joint in the experimental liver injury 50 sexually mature outbred white male rats with body weight (150 ± 5) g were used, kept in standard vivarium conditions. Experimental animals were divided into the following groups: control - 20 animals; experimental group of animals with simulated chronic liver damage - 30 animals; experimental group of animals with simulated chronic pancreatic lesion - 30 animals. The model of toxic liver damage was served by prolonged intoxication with tetrachloromethane (CC14). Tetrachloromethane was injected intraperitoneally in the form of 50% oil solution in a dose of 0.2 ml per 100 g of the body weight of the animal 3 times a week. Experimental lesions of the pancreas of the white rats were simulated by the local freezing of both pancreas surfaces with chloroethyl according to the method of S.O. Shalimov (1989). Laparotomy was made to the control animals without affecting the pancreas under similar conditions of anesthesia. After 30 days from the beginning of the simulation of the experimental lesions of the liver and the pancreas, the animals were taken out of the experiment by bloodletting under conditions of thiopental-sodium anesthesia. The material for histological investigations was taken from animals of all groups. The tissue samples of the hip joint were fixed in 10% neutral formalin solution. After decalcification of samples in a 25% solution of Trilon B (for 30 days), they were conducted through alcohols of increasing concentration, paraffin embedding and cutting on a microtome. Cuttings in the thickness of 5-6 microns, painted with hematoxylin and eosin, were examined and documented with the LOMO Biolam I microscope.
Research results. The histological investigations have shown that there are reactive changes on the 30th day of experimental lesions of the pancreas and the liver of the hip joint. The expressed vascular disorders violate the trophic of the bones, causing changes in their structural components. Microscopic investigations of the hip joint of animals with pancreatitis have shown that in the spongy part of the bone there are wide cavities filled with red bone marrow. The plate of metaepiphysis is compact, not narrow, cartilage cells are poorly differentiated. Under conditions of experimental liver damage, it was found that on the surface of the hyaline cartilage plate there are areas with a dislocation of chondrocytes. In the part of chondrocytes of the first and second order, the nuclei have been changed, the pyknosis is present. There are areas of the cartilage, where there are no cells, and on their place there are moderately basophilic areas of the intercellular substance.
Conclusion. Under conditions of experimentally simulated pancreatic defeat and toxic liver damage, in the hip joint of experimental animals morphological changes, inherent for inflammatory processes of large joints, are developed, namely: marked changes of the hyaline cartilage of the metaepiphyseal plate of the joints, edema of the connective tissue, violation of the ordered placement of the insert plates of the compact part of the bone , essential vascular disorders in the form of arteries with a thickened wall and narrowed gaps, edema of adventitia shell of vessels.