Deadline is on May 27, 2016.
1. Theses should be written in official language and signed by the authors.
2. The size of the publications should be 1-3 pages, on one sided A4 sheet, font 14 pt 1,5 spacing (28-30 lines per page) (generally up to 1800 letters and symbols with spaces per page)
3. The structure of theses: UDC, title (in capital letters), full names of the authors, full name of the university, text.
4. You should state briefly the problem definition and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks, to define purposes, research, the main material and methods, conclusions and prospects for further researches in the field of studies.
5. You should submit the theses in "*.doc" or "*.rtf"; a copy of the payment receipt; information about the author on e-mail
At the beginning of the information about the author please note the type of presentation (publication only, publication and presentation at the conference).
Skipping several lines it is necessary to specify authors’ full names, scientific degrees and academic titles, address, telephone number and e-mail (if available).
Payment receipt printed and electronic should be attached to the materials.
1. In the journal “Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine” literature reviews, lectures, new not published scientific results obtained in clinical or experimental medicine are published, unique viewpoints about the problem are defined, some notes from practice are demonstrated. In the section “Events, news, dates'' information about interesting, in the opinion of the author, scientific phenomena, information about famous scientists and their achievements is provided, articles in memory of physicians are submitted.
2. An official letter of the head of university with the recommendation for publishing signed by the head of university; a certified expert opinion on open publication should be attached to the article. The article should be signed below the text by all the authors. It is also necessary to specify the scientific degrees and academic titles of each author, as well as their full names, address, telephone numbers and e-mails (if available).
3. The size of original articles, including tables, figures, references, abstracts should not exceed 8 page; the size of the article on topical matter, literature reviews, lectures is12 pages, short notes, reviews, etc. - 5 pages, articles to the section "Notes of practice" - 3 pages.
4. The article should be printed in the Ukrainian language in a text editor Microsoft word on one sided A4 sheetf, 1800-2000 signs per page (fields: top and bottom - 2.5 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, font Times New Roman 14 pt and 1,5 interval). Please send 2 copies of the article and on CD saved in «*. rtf» and «*. doc».
Figures should be prepared in "*. jpg" or "*. tif", sent printed in duplicate, and as a separate image file on CD. When scanning you should provide image resolution 300 dpi. The priority is given to original illustrations. On the back of each illustration you should note its number, authors' names and "Top", "Bottom". When signing microphotographs you should note magnification and method of staining of the material. Photos should be contrast, and pictures clear. Tables should have short titles and numbering. Charts and graphs should be created in Microsoft Excel. Small figures can be placed in the article. For formulas it is desirable to use a built-in equation editor MWord.
5. When preparing the articles please follow the main requirements ДСТУ 3008-95 “Documentation. Reports in Science and Technology. Structure and rules of design” and the next structure (except the articles to the section “Lectures”, “Article on topical matter”, “Notes of practice”, “Events, news, dates”):
TITLE (in capital letters);
- authors full names;
- full name of the university;
- abstract in Ukrainian;
- key words in Ukrainian;
Introduction. (problem definition and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks, study of recent published researches, where this problem solution is initiated).
The aim of the research.
Materials and methods of the research. (research object and methods, description of which is sufficient for understanding of their feasibility and playback capabilities. In the case of experimental studies you should indicate the type, gender, number of animals, methods of anaesthesia during manipulation related to the problem of pain, euthanasia. You should indicate the methods of statistical analysis with the explanation of the reliability criteria).
Results and considerations. (You should specify the main factual material, explain scientific results, demonstrate own opinions on the results obtained, compare it with the interpretation of similar data by other authors).
Prospects for further researches. (Author’s idea on problems solving).
References are stated in the order they are mentioned in the text):
THE TITLE OF THE ARTICLE (in capital letters, in English);
Full names of the authors (in English);
Full name of the university (in English);
Abstract (in English);
Key words (in English).
6. All markings of physical values and their units, numeric data of clinical and laboratory studies should be submitted according to the International System of Units (CI) in accordance with the requirements of the standards ДСТУ(ISO) 3651-97 "Units of physical values ". The names of companies, reagents and drugs give in the original transcription.
7. In the text of the article when referring to the publication you should put its number from the list of references in square brackets.
8. The articles in the section "Notes of practice" must relate to the original situations that occur in physician’s practice (some cases of atypical course of diseases, non-standard approaches to diagnosis, treatment, etc.). Volume of the article should not exceed 3 pages. When submitting the article you should follow such requirements: UDC, title (in capital letters), full names of the authors, full name of the university, brief introduction, description of the clinical situation, type of treatment, its effects, etc., and conclusions about the importance of experience acquired and its implementation. References are not obligatory.
9. Editorial staff corrects terminological and stylistic errors, removes superfluous illustrations, and shortens the text if necessary.
10. The articles without keeping to these rules are not registered. The articles of subscribers and materials ordered by the editorial staff are published in the first place.
11. Payment is made after reviewing the article, the payment receipt is sent to the editorial office or Department of Research (Forums).
Publication cost is 3 USD per 1 page (1800 signs with spaces).
BЕNEFICIARY: Shevchuk Oksana
ІВАН: UA793052990004149497858327390
ACCOUNT: 4149497858327390
For more information on publication of your research, please contact the editorial office: telephone number (0352) 43-49-56.
If the author is absent during the conference the edited volume will be sent by post. You should state in advance.
tel./fax: (0352) 52-04-79 Department of Research (Forums)
the Head - Oksana Shevchuk,
the Officer - Natalia Petryshyn