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Author Guidelines

Requirements for research papers submitted for the conference

The conference materials will be available on the day of the conference or will be sent by post. Abstracts should be filled on paper sheet (A-4) in 2 copies and on disk in Microsoft Word. The abstracts - 1-2 pages, language - Ukrainian; 1800 characters per page, font Times New Roman 14 pt and half spacing, alignment - in width for the main text and in center for the title. Title printed in bold. The first paragraph indicate authors names, the second - the name of abstract (in bold), the third - the name of the organization in which the research was done, the city, the fourth - the main text of abstracts. Abstracts must be signed by all the authors and contain details of one of the authors (e-mail - is necessary, address, telephone number). A file will be sent by e-mail with printed abstracts. Abstracts are not edited. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information contained. The cost of publishing - 40 UAH. for 1800 characters.