

1. Biology, distribution, systematics of plants and animals.

2. Fundamental and Applied Research in Biology and Ecology.

3. Ecological Problems of Ukrainian and European regions.

4. Research for sustainable use of natural resources in the third millennium.

5. Influence of human economic activity on the Plantae (plant world).

6. Conservation of plants and animals in the protected areas of Ukraine and Europe.


1. Present-day ecogenetics aspects of human pathology under the global environmental crisis.

2. Development of experimental biotechnology and genetic engineering in the context of maintaining human health.

3. Regional medical and ecological problems and the ways solve them.

4. Impact of the environment on cancer development.

5. Current approaches to diagnosis and treatment of Lyme borreliosis, its epidemiology in Ukraine and Europe.

6. Public health risks associated with environmental impact.

7. Health indicators in local population of European countries.


1. History of the development of biological sciences in Ukraine and Europe.

2. Contribution of I.I Yaremenko and other scholars the the development of biological sciences in universities of Ukraine and other countries.

3. Methods of teaching medical and biological disciplines in institutions of higher education.

4. Teaching museums and their role in educational and research work of academic departments.

5. Cooperation of Ukrainian and foreign educational institutions and its role in improving the efficiency of specialist training.

The conference will include workshops, lectures on natural history, an eco-quest, scientific picnic, master class, and pedagogical training.


• Oral report and publication.

• Poster report and publication.

• Publication only.

• Attendee.


• Ukrainian;

• English;

• Russian.


• Oral: up to 15 minutes.

• Poster stand: up to 5 minutes.

• Speech during discussion: up to 3 minutes.

The organizing committee provides a multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard and video system to the speakers.

Abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings, full-length papers will be published in the professional journals: «International Journal of Medicine and Medical Research», «Медична та клінічна хімія», «Здобутки клінічної та експериментальної медицини» ( and «Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Серія: біологія» (