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Author Guidelines

Proceedings will be published on the pages of professional scientific and practical journal «Clinical dentistry».


  1. Articles must be accompanied with a letter of recommendation, signed by the head of an institution, where the research was carried out, and expert opinion on the possibility of open publications. Under article text there must be signatures of all authors, as well as information about their place of employment, position, scientific degree, academic rank, surname, name, middle name with an indication of address, phone and fax (e-mail) of the author(s), available for correspondence.
  2. The volume of articles, including tables, figures, list of literature, summary should not exceed 8 pages.
  3. The article should be printed on one side of a A4 sheet, 1800-2000 of printed signs a page (margins: top and bottom - 2.5 cm, left - 3 cm, right -1.5 mm, font Times New Roman 14 pt, 1.5 line spacing). The package for organizing committee must include: 2 printed copies of the article and electronic variant on a CD in  .doc, *.docx, *.rtf formats. Figures should be in JPG, TIF, CDR formats, sent printed in two copies, as well as in the form of a separate graphic file. When scanning it is necessary to ensure an image resolution of 300 dрi. On the reverse side of each illustration it is necessary to specify its number, surname author(s) and marks "Top", "Bottom". Tables should have short titles and  numbering. For formulas it is desirable to use the equation editor Microsoft Equation.
  4. Articles should be structured as follows:



Initials and surnames of the authors

Full name of the institution, where the research was carried out

Summary in Ukrainian

Keywords in Ukrainian


Materials and methods.

Results and discussion.


Prospects for further research.

References (printed in the order of reference sources in brackets)

5. Abstracts should be submitted as follows: UDC, NAME OF WORK (capitalization), initials and surnames of authors, full name of the institution, where the research was carried out, a brief introduction, a specific description of clinical situation, the nature of treatment carried out, its consequences and conclusion about practical use of acquired experience, and prospects for further research. References are not required.

Papers are submited till September 15, 2015.