Остання редакція: 2020-09-01
The medical students’ final certification during the COVID-19 pandemic occurred in distance mode. The procedure for conducting a complex practically oriented exam was approved by the order of the SI "DMA"[1], based on the letter from Ministry of Education and Science [2]. Its key aspects were: consultation of students on their action algorithm during the complex exam and sending of two letters on Google email one day before exam with next online conferencing with examiners. In the first email was a link to Google form with an extended clinical case, which had to become active at the planned time according to the exam schedule, and the second one had a link to a scheduled conference with the examiner at Google Meet.
Standardized extended clinical cases in internal medicine were created by the staff of a Department of Internal Medicine 3, discussed and approved at the methodological meeting of the department. Each case consisted of detailed complaints, anamnesis, objective examination and additional investigation methods. After working the case, the student had to answer questions in Google form: 1. Establish preliminary diagnosis and provide its rationale; 2. Which diseases do you need to carry out differential diagnosis with?; 3. Interpretation of all the given additional methods of investigation; 4. Management tactics and treatment plan; 5. Determine the prognosis.
After sending, the student's answer was printed out and given to the examiners for a check. The compliance with academic integrity during the asynchronous part of the examination was monitored by a specially chosen member of the technical support and the chairman of the examination commission. Then the student joined the Google Meet conference, using the link in the previously received letter. During a conversation with a graduate, the examiner had the opportunity to ask additional and clarifying questions regarding the sent answer. According to the results of asynchronous and synchronous modes of the exam, the examiner filled in the approved check list, which was the basis for the graduate`s final mark. The exam results were approved by the examination commission and sent to the student the next day. During the communication between the graduate and the examiner, digital recording (video recording) was performed.
The online format of the complex final exam has not become an obstacle for graduates. This year they showed not only a high level of knowledge and practical skills in clinical disciplines, but also the ability to use modern information and communication technologies, which makes them more competitive in today's job market [3].
- Order of the State Institution "Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" № 73-ОД dated May 15, 2020 «On peculiarities of certification of graduates in the 2019/20 academic year under conditions of quarantine restrictions».
- Letter from Ministry of Education and Science №1/9-249 dated May 14, 2020 «On the organization of current, semester control and certification of applicants for education with the use of distance technologies».
- Shear L., Gallagher L., Patel D. Technical Report. Innovative teaching and learning research: findings and implications. – 2011. – P. 24.