Остання редакція: 2018-01-26
Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail plate caused by various types of pathogenic fungi. According to WHO every fifth person is infected with pathogenic fungi, and every tenth has expressed clinical manifestations [1, p. 110-113]. The frequency of infection with mycoses is about 15% of the world’s population. Most often, infection with fungal infections occurs in places of common use - baths, saunas, swimming pools, gyms, facial rooms. In the complex treatment of onychomycosis, systemic antimycotics are widely used. But with the long-term use of systemic antimycotics, side effects and hepatotoxic effects are possible [2, p. 104-107].
The aim of the study was to research the complex action of the medication Onychocid Emtrix for local treatment of onychomycosis.
Due to the effectiveness of 3 active ingredients (propylene glycol, lactic acid, urea) Onychocid Emtrix slows reproduction and subsequent spread of nails fungi. The mechanism of action is the following: the physical destruction of cell walls and cell membranes, which stimulates the osmotic effect and the subsequent death of fungal cells; keratolytic effect - removal of excess keratinized nail tissue affected by fungal infection.
There was selected a group of 27 patients with fungal lesions of the toe nail plates. These patients had onychomycosis of moderately severe degree. The medication Onychocid Emtrix was used once a day, namely, a thin layer was applied on each nail plate and free edge of the nails. Improvement of the nail plate was noticed already in 13-14 days of this medication application. Patients noted a decrease in itching, brittleness, thickness of the nail plate.
The use of a combined remedy Onychocid Emtrix in complex treatment of toe nails onychomycosis of moderate degree is perspective.
Onychocid Emtrix improves the appearance of deformed nails, improves hydration of the nail plate.
The medication Onychocid Emtrix is easy to use, does not lead to the development of resistance, can be used for patients of different age groups without restrictions.
1. Korolenko V.V. Nove slovo u likuvanni onikhomikoziv //New word in onychomycosis treatment// Ukrainian Medical Journal of Dermatology, venorology, cosmetology, -2017- №3 (66), Р. 110-113.
2. Kutasevych Ya. F., Oliinyk I.A., Chekhovska A.S. Optimizatsyia lecheniia onikhomikozov putem ispolzovaniia preparatov, uluchshaiushchikh strukturu nogtevoi plastiny I ee rost //Optimisation of onychomycosis treatment by means of use of medications which improve the structure of nail plate and its growth// Ukrainian Medical Journal of Dermatology, venorology, cosmetology, -2013- №4 (51), P. 104-108.
3. Faergemann J., Gullstrand S., Rensfeldt К. //Early and visible improvements after application of К 101 in the appearance of nails discoloured and deformed by onychomycosis // Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications. -2011- №1, P. 59-63.
4. Shirwaikar A.A., Thomas T., Shirwaikar A., Lobo R., and Prabhu K.S. //Treatment of Onychomycosis// An Update Indian J Pharm Sci. -2008- №70(6), P. 710-714.