Остання редакція: 2017-05-22
УДК: 37.015.3:316.454.4:612.8-056.17:378:61
Dependence of functional asymmetry on features of sociability among students of KHNMU
Bulynina O.D., Shenger S.V., Hryhorenko N.V.
Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
In our modern world the most important criterion of succeseful life is sociability. Due to sociability it is easier for a person to build relations with other people and it is also related to interpersonal and businesslike relations.
From the moment of birth a person communicates with other people, but sometimes people, who differ with high achievements in learning of material world phenomenons appear to be helpless in the field of interpersonal relations. Therefore, people should learn the rules of cooperation with other people in order to become socially competent members of society. While communication, a person elicits himself like an individ and executes his desires to be a personality, a citizen and a professional. One of the most neccessary factors of becoming a professional for students is forming of sociability. No attention pays to the question of essence and content of sociability like one of the most important professional qualities of modern doctor personalites and the factors, which define the grade of its development due to the type of functional assimetry are little learned. There is no united conception in understanding professional sociability of a doctor and the reseach work only concerns to private questions of this problem.
Thus, given reseach is quite actual both in theoretical and practical meanings.
Objective: to reveal possible dependence between the type of expression of functional assymetres and qualities of sociability manifestation among students of KHNMU.
Materials and methods.
The 54 students of KHNMU 2 course have been examined. Control group includes 21 people with a right type of functional asymmetry (RTFA). Comparison group consists of individuals with a left type of functional asymmetry (LTFA) – 12 people, people with mixed type of functional asymmetry (MTFA) – 8 people and those with socio-modified type of asymmetry (SMTFA) – 13 people. Communicative abilities were estimated with the help of the test.
Analysis of test results “your communication” in individuals with a different type of functional asymmetry showed that they all belong to one group (9-13); 12,2 RTFA; 12,1 LTFA; 11,8 MTFA and 10,8 SMTFA (they are very sociable, sometimes too much, interesting, talkative, love to express themselves in various issues, eager to meet people, love to be in the spotlight, not to deny requests, though they not always can do them, however, they have a lack of perseverance, patience and prudence when confronted with serious problems).
It is established that among them, the least number of points (4-8) have- 9,5% RTFA, 8,3% LTFA, 25% MTFA and 30,1% SMTFA (they are often cause various conflicts in their environment due to hastiness, vulnerabilities and bias). It should be hoted that, among them, the largest number of points (30-32) has none of the groups.
Thus we can see that most people with LTFA and SMTFA are ideal listeners (25% and 23,1% correspondindly, great speakers are people with SMTFA (53,9%), and most people with MTFA on the contrary, have a poor outcome (75%), the person with the MTFA and persons with SMTFA are the most inflexible and stubborn (7,7% and 12,5%), and people with LTFA are the most tolerant (41,7%), the most percentage people are those with MTFA (30,1%) and have the least communication skills.
- The largest number of people with left type of functional asymmetry and with socio-modified type of asymmetry are ideal listeners.
- People with SMTFA are great speakers and they are the most inflexible and stubborn.
- The most percentage people are those with MTFA (25%) and SMTFA (30.1%). They have the least communicative skills.