Open Conference Systems - Тернопільський Національний Медичний Університет, Cучасні підходи до вищої медичної освіти в Україні, 18-19 травня 2017 року

Розмір шрифту: 
Inna Krynytska, Mariya Marushchak, Halyna Gabor, Olha Yaremchuk

Остання редакція: 2017-04-13


Introduction. The process of development of a sovereign democratic state is associated with civil society establishment and civic culture formation. A main purpose of educational process in modern universities is to nurture the youth as harmoniously developed personalities, what is based on nationally patriotic, human, moral and intellectual values [1–3].

Major part. Implementation of the main tasks and principles of educational work of the university is carried out in the following priority areas: national-patriotic, intellectual and spiritual, social and legal, moral, ecological, aesthetic, occupational and professional education. At our university curator of students’ academic group play an important role in the youth education. The work of teacher-curator is one of the most important functions in educational process. A curator demonstrates his/her professionalism by individual choosing the optimal and effective forms of work with students, creative approach to problems solving, persistence in achieving socially useful results. The main functions of a curator are: organizational, research-analytical, informational, social, communicative. Curator’s responsibilities include professional and socio-psychological adaptation of students; development of creative thinking; ability to objectively evaluate the phenomena of social life, to dialogue with reason, stand up for his/her convictions; prevent negative behaviors of students; teaching to respect the university history and traditions, be responsible for his/her duties fulfilling; training of highly skilled specialists to apply this knowledge into practice proficiently [3]. An important component of teacher’s professional activity is his/her effective interaction with students, intended for professional and personal development of rising specialist. In face-to-face communication of a teacher with a student the impact of the personality on a personality is performed.

Conclusions. Educational work arrangement in universities demands constant improvement of traditional methods and search for new ones. University graduates should be not only highly skilled professionals, but also intellectually wealthy people with democratic mindset.


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2. Корда М. М. Шляхи імплементації Закону України “Про вищу освіту” в Тернопільському державному медичному університеті / М. М. Корда, А. Г. Шульгай, І. М. Кліщ // Медична освіта. – 2015. – № 2. – С. 34–38.

3. Чурпій К. Л. Роль викладача-куратора у виховній роботі зі студентами / К. Л. Чурпій // Медична освіта. – 2013. – № 1. – C. 103–104.