Остання редакція: 2017-04-13
Professional quality of future doctor formed during studing at the medical college. Therefore, the content and organization of educational process aimed at forming personalities future doctor is an important task of higher medical education. A special place in getting the skills of professional readiness belongs fundamental scientific biomedical discipline - pathological anatomy. Practical exercises are essential part of the teaching of pathological anatomy at the medical college. The main purpose of the pathological anatomy studies is to develop skills morphologic diagnosis of pathological processes by studying morphological analysis of pictures of pathogenetic mechanisms and clinical symptoms of disease. Work closely with the Department of Pathological Anatomy allows medical institutions to bridge the gap between theory and practice, to train highly qualified personnel through the primary specialization, internship, residency and graduate. Such interaction will provide teaching of pathological anatomy at a high scientific and methodological level, to create conditions for instilling students with practical skills. In addition, one of the main tasks of the complex is postmortem studies, analysis of biopsy and surgical specimens. It is important to add wet preparations, the exhibition which will be more accessible for practical mastering of macroscopic manifestation of different pathological processes and addressing specific issues of morphological diagnosis. Specimens can be used not only by students at workshops as illustrations, but also young assistants and students to improve skills of histopathological diagnosis.
The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills is essential to prepare future doctors and improving their training.
- Жемелко М. "Створюємо умови для розвитку і самореалізації кожної особистості...":[з досвіду педагогічної діяльності]/ М. Жемелко //Педагогічна думка. - 2012. - №4. - C. 29-31.