Open Conference Systems - Тернопільський Національний Медичний Університет, "XXІІ Міжнародний медичний конгрес студентів і молодих вчених", 23-25 квітня 2018 року

Розмір шрифту: 
Peculiarities of receptors distribution to peanut lectin (PNA) in the stomach of rats
Олександра Валентинівна Ковпак, Владислав Володимирович Михайличенко

Остання редакція: 2018-03-21


In this article, studies have been carried out to study the distribution of peptic lectin receptors in the stomach of rats in the early postnatal period of ontogenesis. On the basis of the work, it was found that the highest number of PNA + - multifocytes was observed in the first week after brith with a gradual decline to the later periods of the early postnatal period, which is most likely due to the loss of peptic lectin receptor lymphocytes in the course of their differention and ripening