Open Conference Systems - Тернопільський Національний Медичний Університет, XXIII Міжнародний й медичний конгрес молодих вчених, 15-17 квітня 2019 року

Розмір шрифту: 
Isaac Nyamekye Bray Isaac Nyamekye Bray Isaac Nyamekye Bray

Остання редакція: 2019-03-30


INTRODUTION: A great number of Medical Conditions have a properly spelt out indications by which a patient could be diagnosed of a specific disease. This may be expresses in the complains, anamnesis, objective examination, laboratory results and even instrumental examinations. On the other hand, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSP) does not fall in such a category thereby making Medical Professions difficult to diagnose.

PURPOSE: The aim of this research is to re-echo to all Medical Professional as to the possibility of this condition. The research also seeks to help Medical Professional with the know-how in relation to diagnosing the condition and also some considerations that will be of great assistance.

METHOD: 22 cases of MSP recorded on the internet from the world over was taken as the focus of this research. These patients were diagnosed with MSP. Their cases were intimately studied and the tally of the similarities and differences were notified.

RESULTS: In relation to the cases studied, some cardinal signs were most prevalent. These signs are as follows: Child having a history of many hospitalizations often presented with strange set of symptoms, worsening of the child’s symptoms generally reported by the mother and not witnessed by hospital staff, child’s reported condition not agreeing to laboratory results, a possibility of one or more unusual death of children in the family, child’s condition improves in the hospital but symptoms reoccur when child returns home, and samples such as blood, stool or urine may not match that of the child.

CONCLUSION: MSP is indeed a plight in the field of Medicine in relation to it being diagnosed. Thus: based on this research we seek to inform Medical Professionals about the cardinal signs that may be of great need as far as diagnosing MSP is concerned.