Open Conference Systems - Тернопільський Національний Медичний Університет, XXIII Міжнародний й медичний конгрес молодих вчених, 15-17 квітня 2019 року

Розмір шрифту: 
Sara Ali Labib

Остання редакція: 2019-03-14


The statistics presented here have been extracted from the survey conducted on medical students of 1st year and 4th-year students at TSMU. The stress factors include demographics -environmental conditions, economic and social conditions. This survey was analyzed using the (HAM-A) Hamilton Scale of Anxiety to measure the severity of anxiety levels.

Purpose of study: To identify the various causes of stress and the levels of anxiety among students.

68%of the 1st year students were experiencing Mild Severity Levels of Anxiety, while 7 students were found with 0 levels of Anxiety while a very nominal % of students were found to be experiencing Moderate Severity (10%) and moderate to Severe at 5% respectively. Similarly, the 4th year students revealed the below results. However, the number of students experiencing Mild Severity was almost the same as the 1st year Students which stood at 72.5 % as 29 students considered themselves to be under this category. While the other 11 students were found to be experiencing Moderate Severity and Moderate to Severe levels of anxiety. The majority of students experience Mild Severity which is found to be at 78%. While the remaining  22% of students fall in the other levels of anxiety. Besides the (HAM-A), a survey was also conducted to evaluate the factors that caused stress among students. Almost 78% of students have felt the extreme change in weather conditions have made them stressed. While only 1/3rd of the students suffered due to economic conditions and education. Food habits are also a major stress factor as they accounted for 45%. More than 70% of the students have considered themselves to be stressed due to education and  55% due to economic conditions.

Conclusion: Hence, it can conclude that the stress factors vary from individual to individual, which depends on other factors such as adapting to new conditions, cultural differences, geographical factors, etc.